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Installation of MoSi2 heating elements1.

Categories:Technical Support   Time of issue:2017-08-02 17:46:40

1. Vertically hanging

Under normal temperature, MoSi2 element is very brittle, while under high temperature it is plasticity.So, the better way for installation of the U Shape element is to hang it vertically to the furnace top by the element holder. Such way is to avoid putting the mechanical stress directly to the element heat-generating end, otherwise,the element will easily be broken.

2. Element holder

The element holder supports the whole weight of the element and the position of the element is also determined by it.Therefore,it must be installed carefully to assure that the element is vertically hung. In order to prevent the element from being over heated locally, the taper part of the element lower end must put into the furnace chamber.

3. Connection strap

The connection strap is made of aluminum braid strap or multi-layer aluminum foil. The outside clamp isn’t used for electrical conduction. The end of strap contacts bus,and the length of strap should be a little larger than the linear distance between the element and bus. When install the element, don’t fix the strap too much at one time,it can be tightened when the element rises to high temperature,as the element has some plastic and isn’t easily broken.The temperature of the wire clip generally shouldn’t be higher than 200℃.Therefore,the contact voltage between the clip wire and element should be lowered to 0.1V. In order to avoid that the radiation heat is conducted to the clip,the distance between the lower end of the clip and upper surface of the through brick should not less then 50mm.Generally for Φ6/12 element,170A should not be used long time and for Φ9/18 element,300A shouldn’t be used for long time .

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