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The chemical properties of silicon carbon rods

Categories:Company news   Time of issue:2017-06-03 09:02:00

Silicon carbide rod is the main component of silicon carbide, and silicon carbide is made of artificial artificial abrasive. Usually silicon carbide is divided into two kinds of black silicon carbide and green silicon carbide, green silicon carbide higher purity. The properties of silicon carbide are relatively stable, do not react with any acid, but at 1300 degrees Celsius, with alkali and alkaline oxide chemical reaction. Silicon carbide in addition to the abrasive industry, in the electrical industry, the use of silicon carbide can be conductive, thermal conductivity, and long life characteristics of the production of silicon carbide heating element - silicon carbide rod, so the chemical properties of silicon carbide and silicon carbide similar.

Antioxidant properties of silicon carbon rods

Silicon carbon rods in the power heating, the temperature will rise rapidly. Generally in the air, the bar body temperature reaches 800 degrees Celsius, the surface began to oxidative reaction. As the temperature continues to rise to 1000 to 1300 degrees Celsius, silicon carbide rod heat will react with the air, the production of carbon dioxide and silicon dioxide. The silica will condense on the surface of the silicon carbide rod to create a dense protective film. When the bar body temperature continues to rise to about 1550, the thickness of the protective layer will become thicker due to the continuous production of silicon dioxide, which can play a silicon carbide rod and air effects, the formation of effective rod protection. Thereby starting to reduce the oxidation rate of silicon carbon rods. But the silica protective layer also has a certain melting point, if the rod continues to heat up to 1600 degrees or more, the silica protective film will be due to the temperature is too high and other reactions fall off and then be destroyed, then the silicon carbon rod oxidation rate will be re- improve. Use should try to avoid the occurrence of this situation, the rational design of resistance furnace or industrial furnace structure, in the installation of silicon carbide rods in the process of attention to the location of the rod to avoid the use of local temperature is too high, or other electrical Mistakes, resulting in silicon carbide rod temperature is too high, and to a great extent to reduce the life of the rod.

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